How to use meditation as a pathway to other worlds

We're currently flooded with information by the media we consume, giving us a distorted view of our lives, granting power to people we don't know. It might seem, to those observing, that we are in a prison of our own making that we are unable to escape from. We turn on the TV and are spoon-fed narratives by news stations and shows. The same happens when we're on social media. We witness the impact of astroturfing campaigns, noticing that the least qualified among us hold the most sway. When we meet people in real life, they parrot the same ideas they see on TV and social media and they sometimes act as though they thought of these narratives themselves. I bring to your attention a way out of this prison.

The way out is inward. Turn off the TV and the radio. Log off from social media. When it's quiet enough, then you're able to ascertain the thoughts floating around in your head, chattering away. After some time observing your thoughts, you'll notice that they're silly and you might even stop identifying with your thoughts altogether.

Then you will begin to dream in a way you haven't dreamt before. Your dreams will be vivid and rich. You will want to create stories of your own and stop passively consuming the narratives of others.

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